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Feeling Thankful

Hi everyone!! It's been awhile since I wrote a new blog. In fact it's been since July and now we are into November. I was thinking since Thanksgiving is just around the corner it would be a good time to write about being thankful. We have so much to be thankful for. Everything is a blessing. I've noticed when I start to feel thankful for what I have and think about my blessings I'm happier than if I think about problems or things that make me stressed. When we wake up in the morning it sets the tone for the day as to how it will go and if you wake up feeling grateful for your life and start it off in a positive way it will help to create the momentum for the rest of the day to go well. And during the day think of things to be thankful for. Did you have breakfast this morning? Did you have a safe place to sleep last night? Do you have friends and family that love you? The list goes on and on with things we can be thankful for. Just keep reminding yourself how blessed you really are. Keep your focus on the good things and don't let your mind wander in ego thinking of negative things. It's easy to overthink about stuff but if you find yourself thinking too much about something try to center yourself and go into your heart space. Stay there for as long as you need to. Keep your mind from overthinking. Always remember to love yourself and be thankful for your life. We can handle anything that comes our way in life. Bad times don't last forever and there is a solution to every problem. I hope today you will feel thankful for something in your life and be happy for what you have. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day! Much love to you!

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